Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sorry it's been a few days since I've posted, but Mel arrived Thursday afternoon so since then it's been busy busy busy! and EXCITING!

On Friday we saw Prince William, Kate and Prince Harry!!!!! I can't even believe it. We were walking from Trafalgar Square to Picadilly Circus and saw a bunch of paparazzi outside the New Zealand House so we decided to check it out. We had no idea what we were waiting for, but me and a few guys in front of me were joking that it would be the Queen or Prince William and Kate... low and behold, it was Prince William and Kate.. and Prince Harry! They pulled up in a black car, jumped out and quickly were escorted into the building, but not without escaping my camera!

you can see them in the middle!

Mel and I spent the next hour or so freaking out and jumping up and down. Even though there are mized feelings about the royalty, I still think it's pretty cool for me (as an American without royalty) to see a Prince and his wife to be. Pretty awesome... and how great was it that Mel got so lucky to see them during her only three days in London! 

Aside from that excitement, on Friday we went to Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Big Ben/Westminster Abbey area, Trafalgar Square and the National Portrait Gallery (definitely need to go back there and see the Monets and Van Goghs that I missed... but I was so in awe of the Leonardo DaVinci drawings that were hanging in front of me. I can't even wrap my head around these London museums and the artists featured in them.) I bought some prints at the museum gift shop that I plan to hang in my apartment next year. I have a feeling my whole apartment will make it quite evident that I studied abroad.

We then went on the London Eye for a birds eye view of London. It was a little cloudy but clear for the most part! I'm surprised I even went on the London Eye... I hate heights so much! It wasn't that bad though. Here are a few of my favorite photos:

^looks like a postcard doesn't it!

Today (Saturday) we went to the Tower Bridge/Tower of London... the bridge never gets old. Still one of my favorite things in this city! Then we went to Oxford St. quickly, grabbed some lunch at Subway (yummm, I missed it!) and headed back to Westminster for the Evensong. I saw it a few years ago when I was here but I can still remember it being pretty amazing! Those choir members have incredible voices.

Mel and I were joking around and saying how weird it's going to be for us to be back in Milwaukee in the fall for school. We'll be sitting there saying "Remember when we were on the London Eye, or remember when we saw Evensong at Westminster Abbey, or when we ran into Prince William and Prince Harry?" This is all so surreal. I'm living such a crazy and amazing life!

Here are a few more pictures:

That's it for now! We have a few more things to see tomorrow but otherwise that was my three day tour of London with Mel and man am I exhausted. London is tiring... but it's worth it. None of it gets old.


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